Week of Events
UP to Us Art Class
UP to Us Art Class
Event Activity: "In My Element" is a new visual arts series program presented by Orange County Arts and Disability. Teaching artists will provide sequential instruction covering the seven elements of art (line, shape, form, space, color, value, and texture) while guiding students through an exploration of arts concepts and various art mediums, using art as…
Navigating Puberty Together – Virtual Workshop
Navigating Puberty Together – Virtual Workshop
Join us on Tuesday, March 14th at 12:00pm for our "Navigating Puberty Together" Virtual Workshop! Click here to register today: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rLRBeOGDQyyYjWkgViBXig#/registration Participants Will Learn: The physical and emotional changes that happen during puberty and its effects on adolescents with disabilities. Strategies on how to navigate these changes and be a support for your adolescent. Key…